November 17, 2009 journal, we need to be a voluntary helping society as the New Age emerges. We may however be playing the end game for the end of time but if we're not, this crazy world will end for sure almost immediately because we have lost the wars and we have lost our economy. We're now no more than slaves to foreign countries and they can buy us for a song, a song we do not want to play. England is shown with cameras on every light pole and debt more than they can ever pay, hidden debt in the trillions to pay. Sounds a lot like the U.S. and the private Federal Reserve keeping their mighty secrets. A mob at the University of Southern California protesting a 33% rise in tuition charges. Imagine mandating expensive health insurance for everybody as if they are made out of money and their jobs will end especially in small business. Go back to the Church for medical treatment and for law enforcement. Imagine living under the oppression of mandatory automobile insurance being stopped to check to see if you have it paid up. It should be a crime for anyone to profit on another's health or sickness like paying insurance premiums. No doctors, no hospitals or no corporations should profit at the expense of others on matters related to health or wellness. There is no way for this system to continue gouging the people to death financially and physically. It will end.